HOLOCRON - Jedi Adventurer Costume (unlocked by stage progress).
WOOKIEE - Master Kento Costume (unlocked by holocron).
VICEROY - Bail Organa Costume (cannot be saved).
TK421BLUE - Storm Trooper Commander Costume (cannot be saved).
TK421WHITE - Storm Trooper Costume (cannot be saved).
TK421GREEN - Kashyyyk Trooper Costume (cannot be saved).
FERRAL - Scout Trooper Costume (cannot be saved).
PROTOTYPE - Proxy Costume (cannot be saved).
HARDBOILED - Blind Kota Costume (cannot be saved).
MANDALORE - Master Kota Costume (cannot be saved).
Also note that should you save the game after you add a costume normally acquired by holocron, that holocron will not appear (even if you haven't acquired it, hence wrecking your score) These codes are for the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game only and do not work for the PSP, Wii, or PS2 versions of the game. You can save your game after entering these codes to save the result (holocron costumes only). IV.The following codes unlock costumes not normally earned through stage progression. At the part where your in the big arena BEFORE finding Leia,your gonna go over to the right and near the rail is the green crystal. III.The third crystal is the Green Crystal and its on the fifth level:Return to Kashyyyk/Imperial Kashyyyk. Right after you kill the Rancor and go down the path and fall off that tiny ledge,your gonna go over to the right and right behind a tree root is the blue crystal. II.The next crystal is the Blue Crystal and its on the third level:Felucia. Right after you mover the ship thats blocking your way,your gonna just follow the regualr path and youll run right into it. Ok the first crystal were gonna be getting is the Yellow Lightsaber Crystal and its on the second level:Raxus Prime. _Contents_ I.Yellow Crystal II.Blue Crystal III.Green Crystal IV.Purple Crystal V.Info _ I. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed(DS) Lightsaber Crystal Guide